Revolutionising Ethics Training & Compliance with AI-Driven Technology


Personalised, Scalable, and Impactful – Welcome to the Future of Integrity Management.

Transform the way your company manages ethics and compliance with IntegrityIQ, our revolutionary AI-driven solution designed to offer customised, impactful, and scalable integrity training. From assessment to behaviour change, compliance, and disclosure, IntegrityIQ touches on every aspect of organisational integrity management, creating a comprehensive platform for fostering an ethical business environment.

Unique Personalisation  

Utilising a proprietary database of Ethical Dilemmas and Learner Profiles, IntegrityIQ delivers bespoke integrity training programmes for each individual within your organisation. This personalised training, going beyond a tick-box exercise, fosters real behavioural change and a heightened understanding of ethical issues in each of your team members.

IntegrityIQ & Learnovate team
IntegrityIQ & Learnovate team

Scalability and Efficiency  

IntegrityIQ uses AI to deliver cost-effective, scalable training across all organisational roles and levels, ensuring your entire workforce is on the same ethical wavelength. The platform brings ethics training into the digital age, allowing you to manage ethics and integrity across large teams without the need for constant manual intervention.

Metrics and Reporting

Our platform does not stop at training. IntegrityIQ generates an ‘Ethics Heatmap’, providing a visual representation of ethical risks and cultural shifts within your organisation. These reports are not only compatible with international reporting standards but also provide you with the metrics needed for both internal management and external reporting.

IntegrityIQ & Learnovate team
IntegrityIQ & Learnovate team

Immersive Learning Experience

Through innovative and immersive learning techniques, IntegrityIQ ensures that your team is not just absorbing information, but actively engaging with ethical dilemmas. Our technology presents scenarios in a conversational style, facilitating an interactive learning experience.

Secure Whistleblowing

In compliance with EU whistleblowing legislation, IntegrityIQ provides a confidential and secure avenue for employees to make protected disclosures, facilitating transparency and trust within your organisation. Experience a new era of ethical training and compliance with IntegrityIQ. Adopt our platform today and witness the transformative power of AI in fostering a corporate culture of integrity and accountability.

IntegrityIQ & Learnovate team